[Math] trefoil knot and meridian/longitudinal cycles


I hope this is a simple question…

For the trefoil knot 3_1, whose knot group is given by a presentation of the fundamental group, $\pi_1(M) = \langle a,b: aba = bab \rangle$, where the meridian and longitude cycles can be identified as,

$$m = a,$$

$$l = ba^2ba^{-4}$$

I understand the presentation, and have actually worked them out with Wirtinger(spelling?), but the thing I don't understand is how these cycles are identified.

I know that a and b refer to $\rho(a)$ and $\rho(b)$, where these are commuting (brought into Jordan form) complex 2×2 matrices in $SL_2(C)$ representing the cycles.

I guess I just don't understand how these cycles are 'identified'…

Best Answer

enter image description here Okay, here's my picture of the trefoil and derivation of the wirtinger presentation that you already worked out. Any curve in the knot complement starting at the basepoint (near the X in my picture) will pick up a Wirtinger generator every time the curve passes under the appropriate arc. So the meridian, regarded as a small loop around the arc with an X, picks up an $a$, giving you the $m=a$. The longitude is defined to be a parallel copy of the knot with trivial linking number. If you run an obvious parallel arc to the knot, it has linking number $\pm3$ the way I've drawn it, so I added three twists to cancel out this linking number. So I read off $\ell=baca^{-3}$ as I travel around the red curve, which is $\ell=ba(aba^{-1})a^{-3}=ba^2ba^{-4}$, as desired.

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