[Math] Travelling through all edges in a complete graph

graph theory

I have a complete graph with 14 vertices (all edges have equal weight). What is the shortest way to go through all edges?

Edit: I've got a lower bound: as I go through every edge, I visit every vertex at least $\left\lceil\frac{13}2\right\rceil$ times so the path contains at least 98 vertices. But don't know if such way exists.

Best Answer

First of all, note that $K_{14}$ itself contains 91 edges, but has all its vertices of odd degree, so does not immediately have an Eulerian path or cycle.

To make the graph have an Eulerian path, we need to add edges such that at most two vertices have odd degree. Only six edges are necessary: labelling the vertices $V_1$ to $V_{14}$, insert the edges $V_1V_2$, $V_3V_4$ and so on until $V_{11}V_{12}$. Hence if you don't mind ending at a different place from where you started, 97 edges suffice – the path endpoints are $V_{13}$ and $V_{14}$.

If you want an Eulerian circuit that takes you back to your starting point, you do need the $V_{13}V_{14}$ edge, leading to your lower bound of 98 edges.

In both cases, if an Eulerian path or circuit should exist in the graph from degree considerations and the graph is connected (which it is), then it can be explicitly constructed. Hence the shortest path in $K_{14}$ using all edges has 97 edges, while the shortest circuit has 98.

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