[Math] Translating statements into predicate logic


In the logical programming class I was given an example:

Everyone who is sane can learn. Insane people cannot study in university. Does this imply that everyone who cannot learn, cannot study in the university?

Define the following predicates

S(x) – x is sane

L(x) – x can learn

N(x) – x cannot study in university

Then the theory is:

  1. S(x) => L(x) //Everyone who is sane can learn
  2. ~S(x) => N(x) //Insane people cannot study in university
  3. ~L(p) // person p cannot learn

Implication: N(p) // person p cannot study in university ?

The answer is: true, p cannot study in university

The homework problem says:

The king thinks that the queen thinks that she is insane. Is the king insane?

I defined the predicate T(x) – x thinks (x is sane), thinking = sanity

  1. T(k) => T(q) // the king thinks that the queen thinks
  2. T(q) => ~T(q) // the queen thinks she is insane

Implication: ~T(k) // the king is insane?

The answer is: true, the king is insane.

I'm sure this model is incorrect, and I would really appreciate if someone helped me with this.

Thank you!

Best Answer

With your key for rendering the English into the language of first order logic, the two given premisses translate as

$$\forall x(S(x) \to L(x))$$ $$\forall x(\neg S(x) \to N(x))$$

and you are asked whether these entail the following conclusion:

$$\forall x(\neg L(x) \to N(x)).$$

And that conclusion indeed follows.

For take someone $a$ such that $\neg L(a)$. Then by the first premiss we know $S(a) \to L(a)$ whence $\neg S(a)$. By the second premiss $\neg S(a) \to N(a)$, whence $N(a)$.

So by conditional proof we have shown $\neg L(a) \to N(a)$. Since $a$ was arbitrary we can generalize to get the desired conclusion.

[One comment: in most modern dialects of the language of first-order logic, we would write e.g. $Sa, Nx, \neg Lx$ etc, without further brackets after the predicate letter.]

So far so good. But as to the second example, something hopelessly confusing is going on here. 'The King thinks that $p$' engenders an intentional context. Standard first-order logical syntax can't handle intentional contexts. [You can, as you do(?), have an extensional predicate $T$ meaning "thinks", without a content clause. But note that your $T(q) \to \neg T(q)$ renders "if the queen thinks, she doesn't think" which isn't what you want at all.]

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