[Math] (Translated) Russian mathematics books


Generally speaking, most Russian mathematicians are known to do and teach mathematics in a very original manner. They do it in a very intuitive yet rigorous way, with/through wonderful connections to physics.

Could anyone point out (and comment on) some of their books, especially the less known, on subjects such as calculus/classical analysis, linear/abstract algebra and geometry? Also, any online lectures notes in English?

I'm very familiar with books by mathematicians such as Vladimir Arnold, Sergei Novikov, Yakov Sinai).

Best Answer

Well, as an applied math student, I also love Russian books so much. I found most Russian mathematicians are also interested in writing books, so it may be convenient to search by the authors.

Here are some that I know: Geometry: S.P.Novikov (as you mentioned), Fomenko (he has many books, including a book on "geometric intuition" and a nice textbook, with Mischenko).

Mechanics: V.I.Arnold (many books, including the wonderful GTM64), Sedov (expert on fluid mechanics, book on continuum mechanics and dimensional analysis), Zorich (has a famous book on mathematical analysis) wrote a book named "Mathematical Analysis of Problems in the Natural Sciences". Landau (10 vol. on physics)

Analysis: for example, Kolmogolov and Fomin's book on functional analysis

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