[Math] Transitivity of union of two transitive relations

discrete mathematicselementary-set-theorylogicrelations

I have a question concerning proving properties of Relations. The question is this: How would I go about proving that, if R and S (R and S both being different Relations) are transitive, then R union S is transitive?

The answer is actually FALSE, and then a counter example is given as a solution in the book.

I understand how the counterexample works as explained in the book, but what I don't understand is, how exactly they arrive to the conclusion that the statement is actually false.

Basically I can see myself giving a proof that if that for all values (x,y,z) in R and S, if (x,y) is in R and (y,z) is in R, (x, z) is in R since R is transitive. And if (x,y) is in S and (y,z) is in R, (x,z) is in S since S is transitive. Since (x,z) is in both R and S, the intersection is true. But why wouldn't the union of R and S be true as well?

Is it because that the proof cannot be ended with "since (x,z) is in both R and S, (x,z) can be in R or S"?

Basically, that a proof can't be ended with an OR statement at the end?

Hope that all makes sense.

Best Answer

The existence of any counterexample is a proof that the statement is false. The statement is of the form

"For all transitive relations, if $S$ and $R$ are transitive relations, then $S\cup R$ is transitive." $\quad (*)$

Hence, to prove this statement is false, it suffices to prove the existence of two transitive relations whose union is not transitive. This is what a counterexample proves.

That is, the negation of $(*)$ is

$\lnot (*)$ "It is NOT THE CASE that for all transitive relations, S, R, that $S \cup R$ is transitive."

which is equivalent to

$\lnot (*)$"There exists transitive relations $S, R$ such that $S \cup R$ is NOT transitive."