[Math] Transition density and distribution: (Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process)

brownian motionpartial differential equationsstochastic-calculusstochastic-processes

Let $\left(X_{t},\, t\geq0\right)$ be the weak solution to the SDE
below with $\alpha,\,\beta,\,\gamma$ constants:
dX_{t}=(-\alpha X_{t}+\gamma)dt+\beta dB_{t}\quad\forall t\geq0,\, X_{0}=x_{0}
(1) Let $p_{t}(x_{0},\cdot)$ be the transition density for $X$ at
time $t$. Find the partial differential equation (PDE) for $p_{t}\left(x_{0},\cdot\right)$
and solve.

(2) Does $X_{t}$ have a stationary distribution? and if so find it.

(3) Using stochastic methods find explicit solution to each of the
two: $i=1,\,2$ initial value problems:
\partial_{t}u(t,x)=\frac{1}{2}\beta^{2}\partial_{xx}^{2}u(t,x)+\left(-\alpha x+\gamma\right)\partial_{x}u(t,x),
and $u(0,x)=f_{i}(x)$
where $f_{1}(x)=\delta_{x^{*}}(x)$ is the Dirac function ($\delta_{x^{*}}(x)=1$
if $x=x^{*}$, $\delta_{x^{*}}(x)=0$ if $x\neq x^{*}$), and $f_{2}(x)=x$.

I came accross the above problem while preparing for my SDE exam. It was on a past paper. I would be grateful to someone who can clearly explain to me the solution process. 🙂

Best Answer

This link solves the first part of the question http://www.math.ku.dk/~susanne/StatDiff/Overheads1b.pdf