[Math] Transforming Diophantine quadratic equation to Pell’s equation

diophantine equationsnumber theoryquadratic-forms

I have been discussing the fastest and most efficient ways of solving QDEs in a separate question record (Alternative method to solve quadratic Diophantine equations). However, as suggested by individ, I want to shunt the discussion onto new tracks.
Note also, that I am aware of similar entries related to this topic (like Solving Pell's equation(or any other diophantine equation) through modular arithmetic.) but my questions are slightly different and the special case I am interested in (see below in bullets) does not match the previous QDEs discussed.

Again we have: $$Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 $$

where $ A,B,C,D,E,F \in \mathbb Z$

Individ suggested that instead of following a general algorithm proposed by Dario Alpern (https://www.alpertron.com.ar/METHODS.HTM) a more elegant and computationally faster may be a method of transforming QDE into some form of Pell's equation.

The questions are:

  • Can any QDE be transformed into some form of Pell's equation? If yes, please provide guidelines.
  • If not, then at least is it feasible for $A=1, B=0, C=-1, D=D_0, E=0, F=F_0$ , where $ D_0 > F_0 $ and $ F_0 > 1 $? If yes, then please provide guidelines how to do this at least in outline.
  • Does such transformations into Pell's yield any substantial advantage in terms of solving QDE over Alpern's guidelines? This is perhaps the most crucial question — Does solving QDE through Pell's transformation involve finding integer divisors of some linear combination of $D$ and $F$ during the solving process? If so, then the whole idea seems pointless from computational perspective.

Best Answer

Legendre has long established this.

I. Transformation

Given any QDE,


then it can be transformed to two Pell-type equations,

$$u_i^2-Dv_i^2 = k_i\tag2$$


$$(Dy-2ae+bd)^2-D(2ax+by+d)^2 = 4a(ae^2+cd^2-bde+Df)\tag3$$

$$(Dx-2cd+be)^2-D(2cy+bx+e)^2 = 4c(ae^2+cd^2-bde+Df)\tag4$$

with the same discriminant $D=b^2-4ac$.

But there is a problem. Once you've found integer $u,v$ then, by undoing the transformation, it does not guarantee that $x,y$ will be integers as well.

II. Example


By formulas $(3),(4)$, this can be transformed to either,

$$p^2-320q^2 = -4\times113920$$ $$r^2-320s^2 = -5\times113920$$

Let's use the Alpertron:

  1. It gives a small solution $p,q = 80,38$ which yields rational $x, y = \frac{37}{8}, \frac{5}{4}$.
  2. Fortunately, another family starts with $p,q = 640,54$ and gives integer $x,y = 2,3$.
  3. We also have $r,s = 280, 45$ which yields $x, y = \frac{11}{8}, \frac{15}{4}$.
  4. But $r,s = 480, 50$ gives$x,y = 2,3$.

Thus, if you're not fortunate, you'll only end up with rational $x,y$.

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