Set Theory – Transfinite Induction and the Axiom of Choice


My question is essentially this: Why does the principle of transfinite induction not suffice to show the axiom of choice when the sets to be chosen from are indexed by a well ordered set?

I have read that one can prove the axiom of finite choice from simple induction. You induct on the size of the system of sets you are choosing from and pick an element from each set. I understand this. However, my grasp of the details is sketchy.

1) Why does standard induction alone not suffice to show the axiom of choice for systems of countable sets? Doesn't induction show the truth of the statement for all natural numbers, and therefore for any system of sets that can be indexed by the natural numbers (countable sets)? I know this to be false, but I do not know why.

2) Why can't the above "proof" that induction implies the AoC for countable sets not be repaired by using transfinite induction? Isn't this the purpose of transfinite induction, to allow one to induct on sets of infinite size? Shouldn't transfinite induction suffice to prove the axiom of choice for any system of sets indexed by a well-ordered set?

I am reading Jech right now, but my knowledge of ordinals and transfinite induction is very, very poor, so I would greatly prefer answers with a great amount of explanation and hand-holding.

Best Answer

The problem is that you also do a "meta" induction when proving choice for a finite number of sets and this "meta" induction fails in the transfinite or countable case.

To be more clear, the proof of choice for a number of sets sets usually goes something like this (I'm assuming choice is "the product of nonempty sets is nonempty").

Base case is vacuously true (you're given one nonempty set and want to prove it's nonempty).

Next, assume inductively that for any nonempty sets $X_1,...,X_n$, the product $X_1\times...\times X_n$ is nonempty. Now, given $n+1$ sets, $X_1,...,X_{n+1}$, you want to show their product is nonempty. By the induction hypothesis, there is an element $y\in X_1\times....\times X_n$. Also, there is an element $x_{n+1}\in X_{n+1}$ by assumption. Then $\{\{y,x_{n+1}\}, x_{n+1}\} = (y, x_{n+1})$ is an element of the product.

On the meta level, what you're saying by unraveling the induction is "I have $n+1$ sets $X_1,...,X_{n+1}$, and I know there is an element (which is itself a set because we're doing set theory!) in each $X_i$ which I'll call $x_i$. By using the axiom of pairing once, I can form the set $\{x_1,x_2\}$. By using it again, I can form the set $\{\{x_1,x_2\}, x_1\}$, which is the definition of $(x_1,x_2)$. Using the axiom of pairing two more times, I can form $(x_1, x_2, x_3)$. In general (i.e., by induction), by using the axiom of pairing $2(n+1)$ times, I can form the set $(x_1,x_2,...,x_{n+1})$. This set (element) is a member of $X_1\times...\times X_{n+1}$, and hence this product is nonempty!"

What goes wrong as soon as you try to adapt this to the countable or larger setting is on the meta level. Essentially, you'd have to apply the pairing axiom countably (or more) times to create the set $(x_1,...)$ which "should" be in $X_1\times...\times $. But naive set theory has taught us that just because we think something "should" be a set, doesn't mean it should (see, for example, Russel's Paradox). Thus, we at least cannot trust this proof to work in countable or larger settings. Of course, the failure of this approach doesn't mean there is NO way of proving choice from $ZF$, but it's known from other methods that you cannot prove choice from $ZF$ alone.