[Math] transcendental base extension


An exercise in Hartshorne claims that a scheme $X$ of finite type over a field $k$ is geometrically irreducible (respectively geometrically reduced) if and only if $X \times_k K$ is irreducible (respectively reduced) for any field extension $K/k$. Now I'm perfectly fine with this if $K/k$ is algebraic, but what about transcendental extensions?

We already encounter some weird phenomena in "simple" examples such as $\text{Spec}(k(x) \otimes_k k(y))$, which is a pretty bizarre scheme. I'm not claiming this is a counterexample, since it ends up being an integral scheme (also $k(x)$ is not finitely generated over $k$), only that I don't have a good feel for what happens with transcendental extensions of the base field.

Best Answer

Here are a few observations that might help you get a feel for transcendental extensions of the base field.

A) Krull dimension Given two field extensions $k\to K , k\to K'$ the Krull dimesion of their tensor product is the minimum of their transcendence degrees over $k$ :

$$ Krulldim(K\otimes _k K')= min (trdeg_k K,trdeg_k K')$$

B) Tensor product with purely transcendental extension Given a field $k$, an arbitrary extension $k\to K$ and a purely transcendental extension $k\to k(\mathcal X)=k(...,X_i,...)$, the tensor product $K \otimes _k k(\mathcal X)$ is the sub-$k$-algebra of $K(\mathcal X)$ consisting of fractions of the form $\frac {F(\ldots,X_i,\ldots)}{f(\ldots,X_i,\ldots)}$ with $F(\ldots,X_i,\ldots)\in K[\mathcal X] \;$ and $f(\ldots,X_i,\ldots)\in k[\mathcal X]\setminus \{0\}$.

In particular $K \otimes _k k(\mathcal X)$ is an integral domain and the corresponding scheme $Spec(K \otimes _k k(\mathcal X))$ is reduced and irreducible. As a particular case you get your one-dimensional [cf. A)] scheme $Spec(k(x) \otimes _k k(y)$, which I hope now looks a little less "bizarre"

C) Examples Let me show how bad behaviour is detected by finite algebraic extensions.
i) Let $k\subset K$ be an algebraic extension of char. $p$ fields such that there is an $a\in K$ with $a \notin k$ but $a^p \in k$. Then $K\otimes_k k(a)$ is not reduced because $(a\otimes1-1\otimes a)^p=a^p\otimes1-1 \otimes a^p=0$ and so $a\otimes1-1\otimes a$ is a non zero nilpotent of $K\otimes_k k(a)$. Hence $Spec(K)$ is a reduced but not geometrically reduced $k$-scheme.
ii) Consider the extension $\mathbb Q\subset \mathbb Q(\sqrt 2) $. We have $\mathbb Q(\sqrt 2) \otimes _{\mathbb Q} \mathbb Q(\sqrt 2)= \mathbb Q(\sqrt 2) \times \mathbb Q(\sqrt 2)$, a split (also called diagonal) $Q(\sqrt 2)$-algebra. Hence $Spec(\mathbb Q(\sqrt 2) \otimes _{\mathbb Q} \mathbb Q(\sqrt 2))$ is a reducible -even disconnected- scheme.Thus the $\mathbb Q$- scheme $Spec (\mathbb Q(\sqrt 2))$ is irreducible but not geometrically irreducible .

Interestingly for all non-trivial finite Galois extensions $k\subset K$ the $k$-scheme $Spec(K)$ is irreducible but not geometically irreducible . Indeed, a finite extension of fields $k\subset K$ of dimension $n$ is Galois if and only if it splits itself: $K\otimes_k K=K^n $

D) It is all just field theory ! Recall two possible attributes of a field extension $k\subset K$ :
separable if for all extensions (equivalently, all algebraic extensions) $k\to L$ the ring $K\otimes_k L$ is reduced i.e. has zero as sole nilpotent element.
primary a void condition in characteristic zero and in characteristic $p$ the condition that any $a\in K$ algebraic over $k$ is purely inseparable: $a^{p^r}\in k$ for some positive integer $r$.
With this terminology we reduce scheme properties to field properties:
Theorem 1 The $k$-scheme $X$ is geometrically irreducible if and only if it is irreducible and the residue field of its generic point $\eta$ is a primary extension $Rat(X)=\kappa(\eta)$ of $k$.
Theorem 2 The $k$-scheme $X $ is geometrically reduced if and only if it is reduced and the residue field of each of its its generic points $\eta_i$ is a separable extension $\kappa (\eta_i)$ of $k$.
Final remark A purely transcendental extension $k\subset k(\ldots,T_i,\ldots)$ is both primary and separable. This, in conjunction with Theorems 1 and 2, might help develop an intuition for non-algebraic base extensions .

Bibliography The formula for the Krull dimension of the tensor product of two fields is very difficult to locate in the literature. The only reference I know is EGA IV, Quatrième partie, where it is found on page 349 as Remarque ( in the errata !

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