[Math] Trace operator is basis independent


Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and call suppose $A:H\rightarrow H$ is positive. How do you show Tr$(A)=\sum_{n}(Ae_n,e_n)$, does not depends on the orthonormal basis $e_n$.

I was thinking about using an approximation of $A$ as $A_k$ where $A_k$ is finite rank operator, so $Tr(A_k)$ is the sum of diagonal entries of an $\infty\times n$ matrix, which is basis independent. Then use $Tr(A_k)\rightarrow Tr(A)$ to conclude the proof. Is this the right approach?

Best Answer

Note for positive sums: $$a_{\alpha\beta}\geq0:\quad\sum_\alpha\sum_\beta a_{\alpha\beta}=\sum_\beta\sum_\alpha a_{\alpha\beta}$$

By Parseval one has: $$\sum_\sigma\langle|A|\sigma,\sigma\rangle=\sum_\sigma\||A|^{1/2}\sigma\|^2=\sum_\sigma\sum_\tau|\langle|A|^{1/2}\sigma,\tau\rangle|^2\\ =\sum_\tau\sum_\sigma|\langle\sigma,|A|^{1/2}\tau\rangle|^2=\sum_\tau\||A|^{1/2}\tau\|^2=\sum_\tau\langle|A|\tau,\tau\rangle$$

Concluding independence.