[Math] Trace of symmetric matrix product

linear algebramatricessymmetric matrices

I was thinking about the following linear algebra question, and I feel there should be a good answer as to necessary and sufficient conditions.

Let A be a symmetric, square real matrix with non-negative entries. For which rank 1 positive (non-negative) definite matrices B is it true that Tr(AB) = 0?

I've been thinking about this, and it seems tricky. I was thinking by analogy to the vector case where $c^T x = 0$ if $x$ and $c$ is orthogonal. Is there a similar notion for matrices?

Best Answer

Since $B$ is rank one and positive-semi-definite (has to be p.s.d. and not p.d. since it is rank deficient) matrix, you have $B = u u^{T}$ for some $u \neq 0$. And so using $\mathrm{tr}(Auu^T) =\mathrm{tr}(u^TAu) = 0$, it follows that $u$ is an isotropic vector of $A$.

EDIT: Thanks to Loup Blanc for pointing out the mistake.

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