[Math] Trace in non-orthogonal basis

linear algebramathematical physicsquantum mechanicstrace

In Dirac notation we can define the trace of an operator in Hilbert space $\rho$ as the follows,

$Tr(\rho)=\sum\limits_{|s\rangle \in B} \langle s| \rho |s\rangle$

where B is some orthonormal basis, and this quantity is basis independent.

If we swapped B with a non-orthogonal basis C, which, if any, of the properties of the trace will be preserved? In particular,

  • 1) Is it now basis dependent? (The intuitive answer is YES,)
  • 2) Under what conditions (on C and $\rho$) will this value exceed the value of the actual trace? I will settle for an answer assuming $\rho$ is a density operator (rank 1 projection).


Best Answer

If $X$ is the change of basis matrix, you have $$ \sum_{|t\rangle\in C}\langle t|\rho|t\rangle =\sum_{|s\rangle\in B}\langle Xs|\rho|Xs\rangle =\sum_{|s\rangle\in B}\langle s|X^*\rho X|s\rangle =\text{Tr}(X^*\rho X)=\text{Tr}(XX^*\rho). $$ In other words, by going through all bases you will obtain every possible positive linear functional. In particular, you can assign every positive value you want to $\rho$.

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