[Math] Tough Differential equation

ordinary differential equations

Can anyone help me solve this question ?

$$ \large{y^{\prime \prime} + y = \tan{t} + e^{3t} -1}$$
I have gotten to a part when I know $r = \pm 1$ and then plugging them into a simple differential equation. I do not know how to the next step.

Thank you very much for all your help.

Best Answer

Find the complementary solution by solving \begin{equation*} y''+y=0. \end{equation*} Substitute $y=e^{\lambda t}$ to get \begin{equation*} (\lambda ^2+1)e^{\lambda t}=0. \end{equation*} Therefore the zeros are $\lambda=i$ or $\lambda =-i.$ The general solution is given by \begin{equation*} y=y_1+y_2=c_1e^{it}+\frac{c_2}{e^{it}}. \end{equation*} Apply Euler's identity and regroup the terms to get \begin{equation*} y=(c_1+c_2)\cos(t)+i(c_1-c_2)\sin(t) \\ =c_3\cos(t)+c_2\sin(t). \end{equation*} For the particular solution, try $y_{b_1}=\cos(t)$ and $y_{b_2}=\sin(t).$ Calculating the Wronskian $W$ gives $1$. Let $f(t)$ be RHS of the differential equation. Use the two formulae \begin{equation*} v_1=-\int \frac{f(t)y_{b_2}}{W},~v_2=\int \frac{f(t)y_{b_1}}{W} \end{equation*} to get the particular solution \begin{equation*} y_p=v_1y_{b_1}+v_2y_{b_2}. \end{equation*}

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