[Math] Total Percentage Versus Each Percentage of same subject


I have 8 subjects in my course. Following are the data of attendance in each subject.

Subjects Attended/Total   Percentage
1         10/29            34.48 %
2.        23/23            100.00 %
3.        18/19            94.73 %
4.        18/19            94.73 %
5.        18/19            94.73 %
6.        18/19            94.73 %
7.        18/19            94.73 %
8.        18/19            94.73 %

Total     141/166          87.85 %

But If I am calculating percentage only for 141/166 = 84.93 %

There is a big difference => 87.85 - 84.93 = 2.92 % for same attendances

So this difference is because of not rounding off correctly or my method is incorrect?

Best Answer

No. When you get $84.93\%$ you are considering each term with its weight (subjects have different totals): $$WM=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^8 \%_i \times \text{total}_i }{\sum_{i=1}^8 \text{total}_i}, $$ while in $87.85 \%$ you're calculating $$AM=\frac{1}{8}\sum_{i=1}^8 \%_i.$$ That's the difference between weighted arithmetic mean and arithmetic mean. The choice is up to you.

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