Torsion Subgroup – Abelian and Non-Abelian Groups


Let $G$ be an abelian Group.

Question is to prove that $T(G)=\{g\in G : |g|<\infty \}$ is a subgroup of G.

I tried in following way:

let $g_1,g_2\in T(G)$ say, $|g_1|=n_1$ and $|g_2|=n_2$;

Now, $(g_1g_2)^{n_1n_2}=g_1^{n_1n_2}g_2^{n_1n_2}$ [This is because G is abelian].


Thus, if $g_1,g_2$ have finite order, so is $g_1g_2$.So, $T(G)$ is closed under group operation.

As $|g|< \infty$, suppose $|g|=n$ then, $g^n=e=g.g^{n-1}$

So, if we can see that $g^{n-1}$ is in $T(G)$, then we are done as $g^{n-1}$ would be inverse of $g$ in $T(G)$.

Now, $(g^{n-1})^n=(g^n)^{n-1}=e^{n-1}=e$.

So, $g^{n-1}$ is in $T(G)$ and thus we are done.[we did not use abelian property of G in proving existence of inverse]

So, we have $T(G)$ which is closed under group operation and inverse. Thus $T(G)$ is subgroup of $G$.

As i have not used abelianness (Sorry for this word :D) in one of the properties, Natural Question would be

Is $T(G)=\{g\in G : |g|<\infty \}$ a subgroup of G for non abelian G.

Only Non abelian Infinite Group that comes to my mind is $Gl_n(\mathbb{R})$ for a fixed $n\in \mathbb{N}$

It does not look so obvious for me to say $|A|<\infty, |B|<\infty$ implies $|AB|<\infty$,

I am not able to find an (an easy) example $A,B\in Gl_n(\mathbb{R})$ with $|A|<\infty, |B|<\infty$ but, $|AB|$ is not finite.

I am looking for an example (as requested above) and if possible another example of a nonabelian group of infinite order in which $T(G)$ would be seen to be not a subgroup with less effort/or atleast which you feel anybody should know.

Thanks in advance,

Praphulla Koushik

Best Answer

An example: $G=\langle a,b\mid a^2=b^2=1\rangle$. In it $|ab|=\infty$.

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