[Math] Torsion-free quotient group of an abelian group


Let $G$ be an abelian group, and let $H\leq G$. Prove that if $G/H$ is torsion-free, then $H$ contains the torsion group of $G$.


Let $x\neq1$ be an element in the torsion group. Thus there exist $k\in \mathbb{N} $ with $x^k=1$.

Now we look at $(xH)^k = x^kH = H $

$G/H$ is torsion-free, so $xH$ must be equal to $H$ and therefore $x\in H $, as we wanted.

My question is that: In this proof I didn't really use the fact that $G$ is abelian. I could assume only that $H\lhd G$ and the proof still stands. Is it true?

Best Answer

As David Wheeler says in the comments, we cannot generally speak of the torsion subgroup of groups that are not abelian, because the torsion points need not be closed under multiplication; an obvious example being the infinite dihedral group. On the other hand the proof you've written does demonstrate that all torsion points are contained in $H$.

It is possible for non-abelian groups to have torsion subgroups, of course. If $G$ is finite then the torsion points are just all of $G$, for instance, and Wikipedia states that the torsion subset of any nilpotent group forms a normal subgroup (so this would include infinite groups). The orders of elements do not behave predictably in nonabelian settings, however: whereas in abelian groups we have that the order of $ab$ is the $\rm lcm$ of the orders of $a$ and $b$, we can actually pick any integers $r,s,t$ and there will be a group $G$ with elements $a,b,ab$ of those orders respectively (this is Thm 1.64 in Milne's freely available group theory course notes), specifically the $\rm PSL_2$s of some finite fields.

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