[Math] Torsion and Torsion-Free Quotient Group


The book by Fraleigh says that if $G$ is a torsion group, then so is $G/H$ for every normal subgroup $H$ in $G$. It also says if $T$ is the torsion normal subgroup of an abelian group $G$, then then $G/T$ is torsion-free.

I cannot reconcile both these facts:

  1. $G$ torsion implies $G/H$ torsion
  2. $H$ torsion implies $G/H$ torsion-free ($G$ abelian)

If $G$ is torsion, then shouldn't $H$ be torsion too? and that means there is a contradiction, I am hopeless

Proof 1)
Because $G$ is a torsion group, we know that $x^m = e$ in $G$ for some positive integer $m$. Computing $(xH)^m$ in $G/H$ using the representative $x$, we have $(xH)^m = x^mH = eH = H$, so $xH$ is of finite order. Because $xH$ can be any element of $G/H$, we see that $G/H$ is a torsion group.

Proof 2)
Suppose that $xT$ is of finite order in $G/T$; in particular, suppose that $(xT )^m = T$. Then $x^m \in T$. Because $T$ is a torsion group, we must have $(x^m)^r = x^{mr} = e$ in $G$ for some positive integer $r$. Thus $x$ is of finite order in $G$, so that $x \in T$. This means that $xT = T$. Thus the only element of finite order in $G/T$ is the identity $T$, so $G/T$ is a torsion-free group.

It is probably very obvious, and I apologize if it is, I just cannot wrap my head around it with exams coming up.

Best Answer

If $T$ is the torsion subgroup of an abelian group $G$, then $G/T$ is indeed torsion-free.

Indeed, if $xT$ is torsion in $G/T$, then $eT=(xT)^m=x^mT$ for some $m>0$. This means $x^m\in T$, so $(x^m)^n=e$ for some $n>0$. Therefore $x^{mn}=e$ and $x\in T$, so $xT=eT$ and there is no nontrivial torsion element in $T$.

If $G$ is already torsion, then $T=G$ and $G/T$ is the trivial group, which is torsion-free because it has no nontrivial torsion element (having no element different from the identity).

The trivial group $\{e\}$ is indeed both torsion and torsion-free. There's no contradiction.

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