[Math] Tori and metrics


I have been doing some reading on tori. What I can make out of it is that a torus can be equipped with different metrics — locally Euclidean or as an embedded surface. It is said however that the torus with the locally Euclidean metric cannot be realized as an embedded surface. Why is this true and what is the metric as an embedded surface like? Why would we want the latter metric, since it seems to me the former is more natural?


Best Answer

A $2$-torus is a topological space $X$ that is homeomorphic (one-one continuously equivalent) to the surface $S$ of a doughnut in three-space. For all practical purposes we may require that $X$ is diffeomorphic (one-one differentiably equivalent) to $S$.

A Riemannian metric on $X$ is a law that allows to measure the length of (continuously differentiable) curves on $X$. This law is expressed "in local coordinates" $(u_1,u_2)$ by means of a quadratic expression $ds^2=\sum_{i,k} g_{ik} du_i du_k$. For a curve $\gamma:\ t\mapsto u(t)$ $\ (a\leq t\leq b)$ its length is then given by $L(\gamma)=\int_a^b\sqrt{\sum_{i,k} g_{ik} \dot u_i \dot u_k}\ dt$. When $X=S$ with the metric "inherited from" ${\mathbb R}^3$ then the formulae from treble's answer apply.

There is a very deep theorem about Rienmannian $2$-tori in general. It says the following: If $X$ is a Riemannian $2$-torus then there is a lattice $\Lambda$ in ${\mathbb R}^2$ (with fundamental parallelogram $P$) and a function $\rho:{\mathbb R}^2\to{\mathbb R}_{>0}$, periodic with respect to $\Lambda$, such that $X$ can be regarded as ${\mathbb R}^2/\Lambda$ ("$P$ with parallel edges identified"), provided with the Riemannian metric $ds=\rho(z)|dz|$, where$|dz|:=\sqrt{|dx^2+dy^2}$.

If the function $g$ is actually a constant then we say that the metric on $X$ is "locally euclidean". But note that the global metric structure of $X$ depends also on the shape of $\Lambda$, so there is an infinity of different "locally euclidean" $2$-tori.

In the case of a "real" doughnut embedded in $3$-space the corresponding lattice $\Lambda$ is orthogonal, and the function $g$ is $\Lambda$-periodic, but not constant.

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