[Math] topology puzzle – without cut the rope, separate two rings


hello I wonder whether this puzzle is possible to solve.

if possible, what kind of thing should I learn to solve this?

the problem is make left one to right one without cut the rope
only stretch and bending are allowed
I found out this puzzle here->(www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/riddles/hard.shtml/)

from here
to here

I wish this problem lead me to learn math intuitively.

Best Answer

Here's one way to think of it.

Call the loops $L_1$ and $L_2$, joined by the stem which attaches to $L_1$ at $S_1$ and $L_2$ at $S_2$. You will notice there is a point $A$ where $L_1$ crosses and is above $L_2$ and another point $B$ where $L_1$ crosses and is below $L_2$.

Now contract the stem until it vanishes so that $S_1$ and $S_2$ become a single point $S$ and you will see that one of the points $A$ or $B$ will also move to $S$ under this deformation.

If you try to draw the two rings now joined at the single point $S$ you will see they are no longer linked - there is only one crossing point now so you simply have two rings sitting on top of one another joined at a point.

All you need to do now is stretch out the stem again and the rings will look like the second picture.