[Math] Topological isomorphism vs isometric isomorphism


We say that:

  • $T:(X,\|\cdot\|_X)\rightarrow (Y,\|\cdot\|_Y)$ is a isometric isomorphism if it is a linear isomorphism, and it is an isometry, that is $\|T(x)\|_Y=\|x\|_X\quad \forall x\in X;$

  • $T:(X,\|\cdot\|_X)\rightarrow (Y,\|\cdot\|_Y)$ is a topological isomorphism if it is a linear isomorphism and $T$ is continuous with continuous inverse.

My question is: is any isometric isomorphism a topological isomorphism? Since $T$ is an isometry, in particular $\|T(x)\|\leq \|x\|\quad \forall x\in X$, so $T$ is continuous. But what can I say for the inverse? Is it continuous too?

In fact, my problem is to prove that if $E$ is a reflexive n.v.s then $E$ is Banach. So it is sufficient to prove that $J_E:E\rightarrow E''$ is a topological isomorphism, but, by definition of reflexive space, I know that $J_E$ is a isometric isomorphism.

Best Answer

It's easy to show that the inverse of an isometry between normed spaces is an isometry. Since an isometry is continuous, you're done.