[Math] To find the boundary of the following set


Given set $(- \infty, \sqrt2] \cap ℚ \subseteq ℝ$.
I know that the boundary is closure\interior, but
I always have trouble to find the closure and interior of a set like this. Can someone please explain how to find the closure and interior for this particular one?

Best Answer

Use my definition of boundary in the comment above.

Let $A=(-\infty,\sqrt 2]\cap \mathbb Q$.

Boundary point of $A$ must be a limit points in $A$, therefore $\partial A\subseteq (-\infty,\sqrt 2]$ because $(-\infty,\sqrt 2]$ contains all of the limit points of $A$ ($A$ is contained in $(-\infty,\sqrt 2]$, and $(-\infty,\sqrt 2]$ is closed in $\mathbb R$).

The rationals and irrationals are dense in $(-\infty,\sqrt 2]$, so $(-\infty,\sqrt 2] \subseteq \partial A$.

Therefore $\partial A=(-\infty,\sqrt 2]$.