[Math] To find relatively prime ordered pairs of positive integers $(a,b)$ such that $ \dfrac ab +\dfrac {14b}{9a}$ is an integer

algebra-precalculusdivisibilityelementary-number-theorynumber theory

How many ordered pairs $(a,b)$ of positive integers are there such that g.c.d.$(a,b)=1$ , and

$ \dfrac ab +\dfrac {14b}{9a}$ is an integer ?

Best Answer

We are looking for $9ab\ |\ 9a^2+14b^2$.

Now, as everything else is divisible by $9$, we immediately get that $9\ |\ b^2$, i.e., $3\ |\,b$.

Similarly, looking at divisibility by $a$, we get $a\,|\,14$. This gives only four possibility on $a$: it can be $\ 1,\ 2,\ 7,\ 14$.

If we write $b=3k$, we get $27ak\ |\ 9a^2+14\cdot 9k^2$, that simplifies to $$3ak\ |\ a^2+14k^2\,.$$

Now, by divisibility by $k$, we have $k\,|\,a^2$, which is only possible if $k=1$ by condition $\gcd(a,b)=1$.

From this there are only $4$ possibilities, check them manually.