[Math] Tips to find magnitude of 2 forces when given the magnitude of their resultant


Forces A and B has a resultant force C with magnitude of 200N.
The magnitudes of A and B have the relation of 2||A||=3||B||.
$\theta$ is the angle between A and C, and the angle between B and C is 2$\theta$.
Determine the value of $\cos\theta$ and $\cos2\theta$.
Then find ||A|| and ||B||.

General tips to get me started on this is appreciated.

Best Answer

Hint: Given the angles, the angle between $A$ and $B$ will be $3\theta$ (As $A,B,C$ must lie in a plane). We have $$\tag12|A|=3|B|$$ $$\tag2|C|=\sqrt{|A|^2+|B|^2+2|A||B|\cos3\theta}$$

If the angle between $A$ and $C$ is $\alpha$ and that between $A$ and $B$ is $\theta$, then $$\tag3\tan\alpha=\frac{|B|\sin\theta}{|A|+|B|\cos\theta}$$ Here, replace $\alpha$ with $\theta$ and $\theta$ with $3\theta$. $$\tag4|C|=200$$

Use $(1)$, $(3)$ and $(4)$ to substitute in $(2)$