[Math] time-frequency domain

complex-analysisfourier analysisfourier series

im confused on how these folks seems to like convert a frequency into a time function, and a time function into a frequency function. i know that time function uses amplitude that varies over time, but i dont understand the mystery of frequency domain. if time has amplitude then frequency has what?

here is a sample image

enter image description here

i still cant get the relevance or the gist between transitioning between time and frequency. thanks

Best Answer

In electronics, for example, if you have a filter and you want to know its behaviour vs. frequency, you have to transform the response of the circuit vs time to a function of the frequency. This means you must use the Fourier transform. Whenever you want to know how a dynamic system behaves vs frequency, you have to use it. For example: $$\ddot{x}(t)+\omega^2x(t)=f(t)$$ is the harmonic oscillator differential equation. If you want to know all the frequencies of the oscillator forced by an external force you have to use the Fourier transform of the $x(t)$ and so you obtain $X(\omega)$. You can plot $X(\omega)$ vs. $\omega$ and this gives you, for every frequency ($\omega=2\pi f)$ the 'power' associated to that frequency.

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