[Math] Time Delay Margin

control theoryoptimal controloptimizationsignal processing

I have a question regarding the time delay margin. I know the definition of time delay margin now I want to know that for the stability of the system is it good to have large time delay margin or small time delay margin?

Best Answer

The delay margin is a measure of robustness (how much delay can be added to the open-loop before it becomes unstable). The closed-loop system should already be stable in order to talk about margins. Why the delay margin can be useful is because a lot of controller applications use a digital implementation, which means AD-converters for the sensors and DA-converters for the actuators. This and the computation of the control logic itself takes time. If were to use a cheaper PLC then this time can increase.

Also it can be noted that the delay margin and phase margin of a closed-loop system are proportional to each other through the bandwidth.

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