[Math] Three Radar Probability


Three radar sets, operating independently, are set to detect any aircraft flying through a certain area. Each set has a probability of 0.02 of ailing to detect a plane in its area. If an aircraft enters the area, what is the probability that it:

a.) goes undetected?

P(undetected | Area) = (0.02)^3

b.) is detected by all three radars?

P(Detected | Area) = 1- (0.02)^3

Is this correct? I am unsure about this.

Best Answer

As André pointed out B is incorrect.

You already said that the probability none of them works is $0.02^3$ so if the probability all three works is $1-0.002^3$ then the probability anything else happens is 0. So either all work or none works (this already feels wrong).

To see the probability none work you need to take $(1-0.002)^3=0.98^3$ since it is the probability each one doesn't work.

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