[Math] Three positive numbers whose sum is 100 and whose product is a maximum

maxima-minimaoptimizationword problem

Find the three positive numbers whose sum is $100$ and whose product is maximal.

We did this problem in class today and I'm having difficult understand a certain part of the solution.

$$\begin{align}x+y+z& =100 \\
xyz& = xy(100-x-y)

After this point I understand everything ($\nabla f)$ etc.. But it's just the line $$xyz=xy(100-x-y)$$

I don't see where he got this from. Could someone shed some light on how he knew this is the equation he needed.

Best Answer

$$x+y+z=100\implies z=100-x-y$$

which means $$xyz=xy\times z=xy(100-x-y)$$