[Math] Three knights on a 3×3 chess board


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There are two white knights (W) and black nights(B) positioned at a 3×3 chess board. Find them minimum number of moves required to replace the black knights with the whites.Any type of move is allowed not necessarily alternating black and white.No capturing is allowed white or black knights can not move to block which is already filled with any other knight(black or white). The position at which the whites knights were before is to be replaced by the black knights similarly white knights are to be placed where black knights were initially .I tried to do this but not able to finally find a answer. I am confused.

Best Answer

HINT: ‘Untwist’ the board by converting this:

$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \color{blue}0&3&\color{brown}6\\ \hline 5&&1\\ \hline \color{blue}2&7&\color{brown}4\\ \hline \end{array}$$

to this:

$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \color{blue}0&1&\color{blue}2\\ \hline 7&&3\\ \hline \color{brown}6&5&\color{brown}4\\ \hline \end{array}$$