[Math] Three dice are rolled. Find the number of possible outcomes in which at least one dice shows $5$.


Three dice are rolled. Find the number of possible outcomes in which at least one dice shows $5$.

I would like to know the error in my attempt, I am aware of the other method which is $6^3-5^3$.


Let the first die show 5. The possibilities for the other two dice are $6\times 6 =36$.

Same can be done with the other two dice.

As a result, answer should be $36 \times 3 – 2 = 108 – 2 = 106$, ($-2$ because of the repetition of 5,5,5 case $3$ times. )

Best Answer

Total Number of elements is sample space =$6^3=216$.

Total number of elements in the sample space which contains no $5$ = $5^3=125$.

Thus total number of elements which having at least one $5$ is $=216-125=91$.

Update after OP request:

If there is only one $5$. Total Number of possibilities=$1×5×5×3C1=75$.

If there is only two $5$. Total Number of possibilities=$1×1×5×3C2=15$.

If there is only three $5$. Total Number of possibilities=$1×1×1=1$.
