[Math] Three couples sit at random in a line of six seats, probability that no couple sits together


If three married couples (so 6 people) sit in a row of six seats at random, what is the probability that no couples sit together?

Another way to think about it (couples are AB, CD, and EF)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just see how you can have no couples sitting together.

So let's say we have $112233$ that we need to mix up so that no two of the same are next to each other.

Start with two different ones:


The next can be a $1$, and then the rest is forced: $121323$

The next can also be a $3$, and then you have a few options: $123123, 123132, 123213, 123231$

OK, so that's $5$ options, but since the first two can be $12, 21, 13, 31, 23,$ or $32$ you get $6 \cdot5 = 30$ ways for this to happen .... out of $\frac{6!}{2!2!2!}=90$ total ways... giving you a probability of $$\frac{30}{90}=\frac{1}{3}$$