[Math] Theta Method for system of ODEs

MATLABnumerical methodsordinary differential equations

So here is a question about a little Matlab code writing because I've never seen "theta method"…

Consider the $θ$-method
$$y_{n+1} = y_n + θhf_n + (1 − θ)hf_{n+1}$$
where $0 ≤ θ ≤ 1$ and $f_n = f(t_n, y_n)$. Write a MATLAB code to implement
the theta method for systems of ODEs. For $θ = 0$, $0.5$, $1$, use your code for solving
y_1' &= −y_1 \\
y_2' &= −100 \left(y_2 − \sin(t)\right) + \cos(t)
for $0 ≤ t ≤ 1$, with initial value $y_1 = 1$, $y_2 = 2$. Try this for
stepsizes $h = .01$ and $h = .05$.

Now I know how to do the Euler Code….

h = 0.05; %step size
y1 = 1; %IC Conditions Y1
x1 = 2; %IC Condition Y2
t0 = 0; %Initial time
t1 = 1; %Final time

nsteps = (t1-t0)/h; %number of steps

y(1) = y1; %Array for euler method Y1, -I.C Y1
x(1) = x1; %Array for euler method Y2  -I.C Y2
t(1) = t0 ; %array for euler method t

%% For loop and implementation of Euler Method

for n = 1:nsteps
   t(n+1) = t(n)+h; %time stepping euler method, increment time
   yprime(n+1) = -y(n); %Right hand side of diff eqy y1' = -y1
   xprime(n+1) = -100*(x(n)-sin(t(n)))+cos(t(n)); %RHS of y2'= -100*(y2-sin(t))+cos(t)
   y(n+1) = y(n)+yprime(n+1)*h;   
   x(n+1) = x(n)+xprime(n+1)*h;

Would I just be changing the last part of the code where I have this?

   y(n+1) = y(n)+yprime(n+1)*h;   
   x(n+1) = x(n)+xprime(n+1)*h;

Essentially I would think I change that part above into the theta method of,

$y_{n+1} = y_n + θhf_n + (1 − θ)hf_{n+1}$

If anyone is familiar with this method, please let me know how you would write this code, any feedback is helpful.

Thank you

Best Answer

Let us introduce the vector of unknowns $Y = (y_1,y_2)^\top$ which satisfies the ODE system $Y'(t) = F(t,Y)$. At each step, one needs to solve $$ Y_{n+1} = Y_{n} + h\left(\theta\, F(t_n,Y_n) + \left(1-\theta\right) F(t_{n+1},Y_{n+1}) \right) , $$ where $t_n = nh$ and $Y_n \simeq Y(t_n)$. In general, this is a nonlinear equation for $Y_{n+1}$, which is rewritten $G(Y_{n+1}) = 0$, where $$ G : Y \mapsto Y - h\left( \left(1-\theta\right) F(nh+h,Y) + \theta\, F(nh,Y_n) \right) - Y_{n} \, . $$ It is solved at each step using Newton's method $$ Y_{n+1}^{k+1} = Y_{n+1}^{k} - \left( G'(Y_{n+1}^{k})\right)^{-1}\, G(Y_{n+1}^{k}) \, , $$ where $$ G' : Y \mapsto I - \left(1-\theta\right) h\, \partial_Y F(nh+h,Y) $$ is the Jacobian matrix of $G$, and $\partial_Y F(nh+h,\cdot)$ is the Jacobian matrix of $F(nh+h,\cdot)$. The initial guess is $Y_{n+1}^{0} = Y_n$, and the final value is $Y_{n+1}^\infty = Y_{n+1}$.

The code below performs the proposed integration:

% numerical parameters
theta = 0.5;
h = 0.01;
T = 1;

% functions describing ODE system
dim = 2;
F = @(t,Y) [-Y(1); -100*(Y(2)-sin(t))+cos(t)];
Fp = @(t,Y) [-1, 0; 0, -100];

% functions for Euler method
G = @(Y,Yn,n) Y - h*( (1-theta)*F(n*h+h,Y) + theta*F(n*h,Yn) ) - Yn;
Gp = @(Y,n) eye(dim) - h*(1-theta)*Fp(n*h+h,Y);

% initialization
N = floor(T/h);
Y = zeros(2,N);
Y(:,1) = [1; 2];
k = zeros(1,N-1);

for n=1:N-1
    Yn = Y(:,n);
    Yk = Yn;
    err = 1;
    while (err>1e-14)&&(k(n)<20)
        Ykp1 = Yk - Gp(Yk,n)\G(Yk,Yn,n);
        err = norm(Ykp1-Yk);
        Yk = Ykp1;
        k(n) = k(n)+1;
    Y(:,n+1) = Ykp1;


% analytical solution
hold on
t = (0:N)*h;

A comparison of the numerical solution (blue) with the analytical solution (red) in the phase space $y_1$-$y_2$ is given in the graphics output


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