[Math] There are n objects and n boxes, how many ways can we place the objects so exactly one box remains empty


A) if both objects and boxes and indistinguishable

B) if objects are indistinguishable and boxes are distinguishable

My attempt:

I know there are n! ways to but n objects into n boxes (both distinguishable).

A) I also know that to put n indistinguishable objects into n indistinguishable boxes we must count the number of partitions of n into n integers. I am unsure of how to calculate this and how to add the 1 box empty condition.

B) I know there are C(n + r − 1, n − 1) ways to place n indistinguishable objects into r distinguishable boxes. I can replace r with n. I am unsure of how to account for the 1 box empty condition here, as well.

Best Answer

If both objects and boxes are distinguishable:
There are $n$ ways to select a box that'll be empty. Since rest of the boxes will have at least 1 object each, therefore there will one box out of the $n-1$ that will have two objects in it. There are $n-1$ ways to choose this box. Further, we have ${n\choose2}$ ways to put two objects in the selected box and $(n-2)!$ ways to arrange the rest of the objects in the remaining $n-2$ boxes such that each of those boxes gets exactly $1$ object. So the number of ways will be $n(n-1){n\choose2}(n-2)!=n!{n\choose2}$

A) If both objects and boxes are indistinguishable, there will be only $1$ way of placing the objects.

B) If the objects are indistinguishable, there will be only $1$ way of placing the objects after choosing the boxes. So there are $n(n-1)={n\choose2}$ ways.

Another method when both are distinguishable:
We first select $2$ objects that will be together in the box containing $2$ objects. There are $n\choose 2$ ways to do this. We now have $1$ "double object", $1$ "empty object" and $n-2$ normal objects. Since these are obviously distinguishable, we need to place $n$ objects in $n$ boxes. So there are $n!$ ways to do this. Therefore our answer will be $n! {n\choose 2}$. This can be done similarly for (B).