[Math] the support function of an ellipse


I defined the support function $h_A:R^n→R$ of a non-empty closed convex set $A\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ as $$h_A(x)= \sup\left\{x⋅a |\ a \in A\right\}$$

Everything I know about this topic I found it.
I have to calculate the support function of an ellipse $$\text{E=$\left\{(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \quad|\quad \frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2}\le 1 \right\}$}$$

For $x=a\cos\theta ,\ y=b\sin\theta, \ 0\le\theta\lt2\pi\ $, how can calculate $h_E(\theta)$?

The result should be $h_E(\theta)=\left(a^2\cos^2\theta+b^2\sin^2\theta \right)^\frac12$ but my calculations lead me to have $h_E(\theta)=\sup\{(a\cos\theta,b\sin\theta)⋅(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)\}=a\cos^2\theta+b\sin^2\theta$.

Where is the error?

Best Answer

The main problem you have is giving the same name to different things: $\theta$ means two different things, and so does $a$.

The parametric equation $x=a\cos t$, $y=b\sin t$, leads to $$ h_E(\theta)=\sup_t (a\cos t,b\sin t)\cdot (\cos\theta, \sin\theta) $$ Observe that the dot product can just as well be written as $$ (\cos t,\sin t)\cdot (a\cos\theta, b\sin\theta) $$ which is simply the projection of $(a\cos\theta, b\sin\theta)$ onto the direction determined by $t$. The maximal possible value of scalar projection is the length of the vector, hence $$ h_E(\theta)=|(a\cos\theta, b\sin\theta)| = \sqrt{a^2\cos^2\theta+b^2\sin^2\theta} $$