[Math] The sum of 8 consecutive Fibonacci numbers is not a Fibonacci number


While studying Fibonacci numbers, I came up with this problem. Of course $F_n = F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}$. I'm sort of stuck with first realizing how to show a number actually isn't a Fibonacci number. I thought that I could somehow rewrite the sum $$F_n+\cdots+F_{n+7}$$
into some sort of rearrangement of $F_n$'s and $F_{n+1}$'s. Could anyone help me show that the sum of 8 consecutive Fibonacci numbers is not a Fibonacci number?


Best Answer

Note that $F_{n+k}=F_{n+k+1}-F_{n+k-1}$ by summing this telescoping formula you get


But $F_{n+1}<F_{n+7}$ is too small so this number is strictly greater than $F_{n+8}$ and also smaller than $F_{n+9}$.