[Math] The Stiefel-Whitney classes of Cartesian product


I am reading the book of characteristic classes by Milnor-Stasheff, and I have a problem with the exercise 4-A: Show that the Stiefel-Whitney classes of a Cartesian product are given by $$w_k(\xi\times \eta)=\sum_{i=0}^k w_i(\xi)\times w_{k-i}(\eta).$$
Here is my solution: Let $B_1,B_2$ be base spaces of $\xi,\eta$ and $p_1,p_2$ be projections from $B_1\times B_2$ on $B_1, B_2$ respectively. By definition of the cross product, the right hand side of the above equality can be written as $$\sum_{i=0}^k p_1^{*}(w_i(\xi))\cup p_2^{*}(w_{k-i}(\eta)).$$
Also by the natuality axiom of Stiefel-Whitney classes, we have $p_1^{*}(w_i(\xi))=w_i(\xi \times \eta)$ and $p_2^{*}(w_{k-i}(\eta))=w_{k-i}(\xi \times \eta)$. So we can write $$\sum_{i=0}^k p_1^{*}(w_i(\xi))\cup p_2^{*}(w_{k-i}(\eta))=\sum_{i=0}^k w_i(\xi \times \eta)\cup w_{k-i}(\xi \times \eta),$$ which equals 0 if $k$ is odd (becasue we are working with coefficents in $\mathbb{Z}_2$).

I don't know where I am wrong. Somebody can help me?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

As explained in the comments, the assertion

Also by the natuality axiom of Stiefel-Whitney classes, we have $p_1^{*}(w_i(\xi))=w_i(\xi \times \eta)$

is incorrect; that's not how the naturality axiom works. (The problem was that Milnor--Stasheff's definition of bundle map isn't what you might reasonably expect it to be.)

Anyway, to solve the problem, you just need to write the Cartesian product bundle as $p_1^* \xi \oplus p_2^* \eta$ and then apply the Whitney sum formula.