[Math] The square of the maximal ideal in a local ring of dimension $2$ over a field.


I found the following assertion at page 62 in Geometry of schemes by Eisenbud and Harris:

Let $R$ be a local $K$-algebra of vector-space dimension $2$, where $K$ is an algebraically closed field, and let $\mathfrak m$ be its maximal ideal. Then $R/\mathfrak m\cong K$ and $\mathfrak m^2=0.$

I can prove the first claim, by Nullstellensatz and the fact that $K$ is algebraically closed, but I failed to see why the square of $\mathfrak m$ is $0$. The book says that we might use Nakayama's lemma, but I could not perceive how to use that lemma.
So any hint or help will be mostly appreciated, and thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The $K$-vector space $R$ admits a filtration $R\supseteq \mathfrak{m}\supseteq \mathfrak{m}^2\supseteq\cdots \supseteq\{0\}$ where each quotient (for $i\geq 0$) $\mathfrak{m}^i/\mathfrak{m}^{i+1}$ is an $R/\mathfrak{m}\cong K$-vector space.

The fact that $R$ has dimension $2$ as a $K$-vector space restricts the length of this chain. Indeed, if $\mathfrak{m}^2\subsetneq \mathfrak{m}$, then we're basically done. (Why?) In order to rule out the case $\mathfrak{m}^2=\mathfrak{m}$, use Nakayama's lemma.

I hope this helps! (I mentioned the filtration because it's a very useful thing to keep in mind.)

Exercise 1: Let $R$ be a local Artinian ring with unique maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. Prove that $\mathfrak{m}$ is a nilpotent ideal, that is, $\mathfrak{m}^i=0$ for some positive integer $i$. (You can assume that $R$ is also Noetherian if you are not aware that this is a Corollary of the hypothesis that $R$ is Artinian.)