Algebra Precalculus – Smallest Integer Greater Than 1 with Specific Properties

algebra-precalculusdiophantine equationsintegersperfect-powers

What is the smallest integer greater than 1 such that $\frac12$ of it is a perfect square and $\frac15$ of it is a perfect fifth power?

I have tried multiplying every perfect square (up to 400 by two and checking if it is a perfect 5th power, but still nothing. I don't know what to do at this point.

Best Answer

The number is clearly a multiple of $5$ and $2$. We look for the smallest, so we assume that it has no more prime factors.

So let $n=2^a5^b$. Since $n/2$ is a square, then $a-1$ and $b$ are even. Since $n/5$ is a fifth power, $a$ and $b-1$ are multiples of $5$. Then $a=5$ and $b=6$.