Elementary Number Theory – What Is the Remainder When $2^{1990}$ Is Divided by $1990$?

chinese remainder theorem

I actually do not have the basic idea on how to approach these type of questions….so please tell me a generalized method about all this too.

It came in RMO, and the question is:

What is the remainder when $2^{1990}$ is divided by $1990$ ?

Best Answer

Using Fermat's Little Theorem,

$2^4\equiv1\pmod 5\implies 2^{1990}=2^2\cdot(2^4)^{997}\equiv4\cdot1^{997}\pmod 5\equiv4\ \ \ \ (1)$

$2^{198}\equiv1\pmod {199}\implies 2^{1990}=2^{10}\cdot(2^{198})^{10}\equiv1024\cdot1^{10}\pmod{199}\equiv 29\ \ \ \ (2)$

Clearly, $2^{1990}\equiv0\pmod2\ \ \ \ (3)$

Apply the famous CRT on $(1),(2),(3)$

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