[Math] The relationships between Prime number and Fibonacci number

fibonacci-numbersnumber theoryprime numbers

Recently when learning programming language, I accidentally found out an interesting relationship between prime number and Fibonacci number.
That is, a positive integer number can be analyzed as either
– the sum of a prime number and a Fibonacci number
For example
16 = 11 (prime) + 5 (Fibonnaci)
61 = 59 (prime) + 2 (Fibonacci)
– or a prime number minus a Fibonacci number
For example
59 = 61 (prime) – 2 (Fibonacci)
83 = 227 (prime) – 144 (Fibonacci)

I have tried with the first 1,000 positive integer number from 1 to 1,000 MANUALLY and ensured that all of them matched with one of the two above rules.

I shared my analyzing here in the excel file with 1,000 positive integer number from 1 to 1,000 with the link

The majority of them belong to the first case are formatted with normal writing. I set the minority cases (the second one where result equals to prime minus Fibonacci) with red and bold format.

So prime number and Fibonacci number are in actual not completely independent with each other.

It is perfect if anyone can prove this rule in general case, or explain its reason. I do not think that this is only an accidental effect.

You can discuss here or email me at theodorenghiem@yahoo.co.nz


Thinh Nghiem

Best Answer

Write $F_n$ for the $n$-th Fibonacci number. For $n\geq 2$, $F_n$ is the nearest integer to $((1+\sqrt{5})/2)^n/\sqrt{5}$.

Fix a positive integer $k$. The Prime Number Theorem suggests that the probability that $k+F_n$ is prime is about $$ \frac{1}{\log\left(k+\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}\left(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n\right)}. $$ The sum of these probabilities for $n\geq 2$ diverges to $+\infty$ (the $n$-th term is comparable to $n^{-1}$), so we should expect that for each $k$ there are infinitely many values of $n$ for which $k+F_n=p$ is prime. For these $n$, we can write $k=p-F_n$.

Of course this is just a heuristic. There might be some reason $k+F_n$ is more or less likely to be prime than a randomly chosen integer of about the same size. But unless there is a good reason to the contrary, we should expect that every positive integer can be written as $p-F_n$ for some prime $p$ and Fibonacci number $F_n$. That said, statements like this are sometimes very hard to prove.

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