[Math] the relationship between any natural number and two other natural numbers

natural numbers

By this I mean, you could take any natural number, apply some kind of operation (arithmetic or other), and end up with two natural numbers. Then, you can apply an inverse operation on the two produced natural numbers to produce the original natural number.

I haven't been able to find any mathematical operation that consistently works, and i've been looking at more "unique" solutions.

An example: you apply the operation on the number 15, and the result is the numbers 1 and 5. Then, when applying a separate operation to 1 and 5, the result would be 15. It isn't a correct example but it's along the same idea.

Best Answer

The set of natural numbers is denoted $\mathbb N$ and the set of pairs of natural numbers is denoted $\mathbb{N \times N}$. These two sets have the same cardinality between them. What you suggest with your $15$ example is a bijection $\mathbb{N \to N \times N}$.

Given a number $a \in \mathbb N$ write it as a decimal number. Map this to $(b, c)$ where $b$ are the even digits of $a$ and $c$ are the odd (counting from the $1$'s place). So $15 \mapsto (1, 5)$, $112 \mapsto (1, 12)$, and $1000001 \mapsto (0, 1001)$.

Given a pair of numbers $(b, c)$ we map $(b, c) \mapsto a$ where $a$ is the number created by interleaving the digits of $b$ and $c$, starting with the first digit of $c$. If the numbers are not the same length we add zeros to make them so before interleaving. So $(10, 1240) = (0010, 1240) \mapsto 1021400$ and $(1, 12) \mapsto 112$.

These two operations are inverse to each other.