Linear Algebra – Relation Between Eigenspace and Column Space of a Matrix

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

I was wondering if there is any relation between the space span by all eigenvector of a matrix $A$ and its column space.

Also, is there any condition on $A$ that ensures that these two spaces are the same?

Best Answer

To add a bit to Gerry's answer...

If you look at a matrix as a linear operator, $T(v)=Av$ then the column space is just the range of that linear operator. Eigenvectors for non-zero eigenvalues will be members of the range (if $Av=\lambda v$, then $A(\lambda^{-1}v) = v$).

So the span of the eigenvectors with non-zero eigenvalues, is contained in the column space.

(...and the span of the eignevectors with eigenvalue zero is the null space.)