[Math] the ratio of number of prime to number of natural numbers

prime numbers

$\Bbb{P}$ is the count of prime numbers in $\Bbb{Z}$
And so, $\Bbb{Z}-\Bbb{P}=NP$ is the count of non-prime numbers in $\Bbb{Z}$
what is the answer of this equation: $\Bbb{P} / NP$

I thought that question and I made that proof, if I'm mistake please correct me.

$E=$Even, $O=$Odd
$1, 2, 3, 4, \cdots \Bbb{Z}$
$O, E, O, E, \cdots$

Clearly there is $\Bbb{Z}/2$ count of Even, and $\Bbb{Z}/2$ count of Odd numbers exist.

If any number in $\Bbb{Z}$ can write as $M \times N$ it is non-prime number, otherwise it's prime number $M \times N$ can be one of that $4$ combinations:

$E \times E = E$
$E \times O = E$
$O \times E = E$
$O \times O = O$

So, $M \times N$ is $\frac{3}{4}$ in ratio of Even numbers, and $\frac{1}{4}$ ratio of Odd.

Even Numbers: $\frac{3}{4}$ * NP
Odd Numbers: $\frac{1}{4}$ * NP

Even Numbers: $0 * P$
Odd Numbers : $P$

There is equal counts of even and odd numbers, so;
$\frac{3}{4} * NP + 0 = 1/4 * NP + P$
$\frac{1}{4} * NP = P$
$NP = 2 * P$

If this equation is true, then non-prime numbers are only double-times of prime numbers. Please check my proof.

Best Answer

I think the most usual way of thinking about this is to find $$ \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\text{number of positive prime numbers}\le n}{\text{number of positive integers}\le n}. $$ The limit is $0$.

This depends on listing the numbers in their usual order. Suppose one writes them in this different order: $$ \text{1st prime number}, \text{first non-prime number}, \text{second prime number}, \text{second non-prime number}, \text{third prime number}, \text{third non-prime number}, \ldots. $$ Then the limit would be $1/2$.

Later note: See this article:

"An Elementary Proof that Primes are Scarce", by E. L. Spitznagel Jr., American Mathematical Monthly, volume 77, number 4, April 1970, pages 396--397. jstor.org/stable/2316153