[Math] the radius of the red circle

circleseuclidean-geometrygeometryplane-geometrytangent line

descartes circle theorem

The blue circle has radius $2$ and the green circle has radius $1$. $AB$ is a common tangent and all three circles touch each other. Find the radius of the red circle.

Best Answer

In general, the radius $r$ of a circle inscribed by any two touching circles of radii $a$ & $b$ and their common tangent, is given by Generalized Formula as follows $$\boxed{r=\frac{ab}{(\sqrt a+\sqrt b)^2}}$$ Now, substituting the values of radii $a=2$ of blue circle and $b=1$ of green circle, the radius $r$ of red circle is calculated as follows $$r=\frac{2\cdot1}{(\sqrt 2+\sqrt 1)^2}$$ $$=\frac{2}{3+2\sqrt2}$$ $$=\frac{2(3-2\sqrt2)}{(3+2\sqrt2)(3-2\sqrt2)}$$ $$=2(3-2\sqrt2)$$