[Math] the proof that rectangles do not exist in hyperbolic geometry


I am in need of help figuring this out–
If the only straight lines in hyperbolic geometry are those that pass through the center, then isn't there a right angle? (horizontal and vertical) Which fulfills that requirement of the definition of a rectangle. That leaves the other two sides as hyperbolic lines with negative curve and extending infinitely, resulting in three acute angles, right? Aren't the two straight lines passing through the center parallel to their opposite hyperbolic line? Which also fulfills the definition of a rectangle.
I'm sure I am overlooking something or have gotten myself very confused. Please help.

Best Answer

It's not clear to me what you mean by "parallel" geodesic in the hyperbolic plane. Those that meet at an infinitely distant point?

Also, it is not clear what definition of rectangle you are using. One possible definition involves having four right angles. This cannot happen in the hyperbolic plane. Indeed, the sum of interior angles in every geodesic triangle is strictly less than $\pi$. Since any quadrilateral can be divided into two triangles, the sum of its interior angles is strictly less than $2\pi$.