[Math] the probability that both balls are white


One bag contains 4 white and 2 black balls. Another contains 3 white and 5 black balls. one ball is drawn from each bag. what is probability that both are white?

What my approach is i am trying to mix these two bags and hence i have now total 14 balls. Now i will take 2 balls out of this new bag. but i am not getting right answer.

I want to know whether this approach is wrong or there is any other approach.


Best Answer

Bag 1 contains $4$ white and $2$ black balls.
Bag 2 contains $3$ white and $5$ black balls.
We know that the probability = No.of favorable outcomes/Total No.of outcomes
Hence, $P_1 = \text {Probability of selecting white ball from bag 1} = \frac {4}{4+2} =\frac {2}{3} $
and $P_2 = \text {Probability of selecting white ball from bag 2} =\frac {3}{3+5} =\frac {3}{8} $.

As both the events are independent, the probability of occurrence of both the events is $$P_{req} =P_1\times P_2 =\frac {2}{3}\times \frac {3}{8} = \frac {1}{4}.$$

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