[Math] The probability that A hits a target is $\frac14$ and that of B is $\frac13$. If they fire at once and one hits the target, find $P(\text{A hits})$


The probability that A hits a target is 1/4 and the probability that B hits a target 1/3. They each fire once at the target.

If the target is hit by only one of them, what is the probability that A hits the target?

I know that this is an independent event.
If I do P(A hitting) * P(B not hitting) then (1/4)(2/3) = 1/6
But when I look at the back of my book the answer is 2/5?
My book is known to give wrong answers because it is quite old; therefore, I am left with self doubt. Can anyone tell me if I have the correct answer or if I am actually making a mistake?

Best Answer

$$ \begin{align} P(\mbox{target is hit once}) &= P(\mbox{A hitting}) \cdot P(\mbox{B not hitting}) + P(\mbox{A not hitting}) \cdot P(\mbox{B hitting}) \\ &= \frac{1}{4}\cdot\frac{2}{3} + \frac{3}{4}\cdot\frac{1}{3} \\ &= \frac{5}{12} \end{align} $$

So, $$P(\mbox{A hitting | target is hit once}) = \frac{P(\mbox{A hitting}) \cdot P(\mbox{B not hitting})}{P(\mbox{target is hit once})} = \dfrac{\frac{1}{6}}{\frac{5}{12}} = \frac{2}{5}.$$

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