Calculus – The Power of Taylor Series Explained

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I am teaching a Calculus class and we are finishing up power/Taylor series this week. The last section of the chapter is on applications, but the only ones listed there are approximating non-rational numbers like $\sqrt{1.02}$ and computing limits like $\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{\sin x}{x}$. I would like to find better examples that may or may not have a quick physical application (I cannot assume they know any physics beyond what I can explain). So, my question is, do any of you know some applications of Taylor series that I could spend maybe about half an hour to forty five minutes doing? They needn't be physical applications, just interesting. I have already done Euler's formula. Also, we do not deal with any remainder theorems in this class. Thanks.

Best Answer

Not quite on the power of Taylor's series, but you could use the Taylor series for $f(x) = e^x$ to show that $e$ is irrational.

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