[Math] the possible relation between the twin prime conjecture and the Goldbach’s conjecture

number theoryprime numbers

Just a curiosity: What is the possible relation between the twin prime conjecture and the Goldbach's conjecture stating that every even integer greater than $2$ can be expressed as the sum of two primes. I have no idea, but I want to see a relation between them.

Best Answer

As illustrated by one unified function which zeros show the distribution of relative prime, twin prime, prime pair of distance 2n (twin prime is special case of n=1, and prime is special case of n=0), and Goldbach sums of 2n, there indeed has relationship between these problems. Here's a summary and you can see more details from my research notes: https://fredyangblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/fourierseriesofprimes-rev1-3.pdf

I also created a live chart to demonstrate this: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/4a9i0ejeyk

Let $p_i$ be the $i^{th}$ prime, define $$ P(p_i,n,x)=\sum_{p\le{p_i}}\frac{c_p}{p}\left(1+2\sum_{k=1}^{p-1}(1-\frac{k}{p})\cos\frac{2kn\pi}{p}\cos\frac{2k\pi}{p}x\right), c_p = \begin{cases} 1, \text{ when $p \mid 2n$} \\ 2, \text{ when $p \nmid 2n$} \end{cases} $$ which zeros show $$ \begin{cases} \text{When $n=0$: prime distribution} \\ \text{When $n=1$: twin prime distribution as $(x-1,x+1)$} \\ \text{When $n>1$ and $0\le{x}<n$: distribution of Goldbach sums as $(n-x, n+x)$} \\ \text{When $n\ge{1}$ and $x>n$: distribution of prime pairs of distance of $2n$ as $(x-n, x+n)$} \end{cases} $$

Additionally, when $n=0$, for each integer $x$, it could show the number of prime divisors of $x$ that $\le p_i$.

The unified formula to calculate number of zeros $L$ on $[0,p_i\#)$ is, for all $3\le{p}\le{p_i}$, \begin{equation} L=\prod_{p|n}(p-1)\prod_{p \nmid n}(p-2) \end{equation}

For prime series, $n=0$ so $L=\prod(p-1)$; For twin prime series, $n=1$ so $L=\prod(p-2)$.

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