[Math] The particular solution of the recurrence relation


I cannot find out why the particular solution of $a_n=2a_{n-1} +3n$ is $a_{n}=-3n-6$

here is the how I solve the relation

as $\beta (n)= 3n$

using direct guessing

$a_n=B_1 n+ B_2$

$B_1 n+ B_2 – 2 (B_1 n+ B_2) = 3n$

So $B_1 = -3$, $B_2 = 0$

the particular solution is $a_n = -3 n$

and the homo. solution is $a_n = A_1 (-2)^n$

Why it is wrong??

Best Answer

Let $A_n=\sum_{0\le r\le m}B_rn^r$

The coefficient of $x^m$ in $A_n-2A_{n-1}$ is $B_m-2B_m=-B_m$

Comparing the coefficients of the highest power $(=1)$ of $n,$

we derive $-B_m=0$ for $m>1$ and $-B_m=3$ if $m=1$

So, $A_n$ reduces to $-3n+B_0$

Consequently, $A_n-2A_{n-1}= -3n+B_0-2\{-3(n-1)+B_0\}=-3n-(B_0+6)$

Comparing the constants, $B_0+6=0\implies B_0=-6$


$A_n-2A_{n-1}=\sum_{0\le r\le m}B_rn^r-2\sum_{0\le r\le m}B_r(n-1)^r$

$=n^m(B_m-2B_m)+n^{m-1}\{B_{m-1}-2(B_{m-1}+\binom m1 B_m(-1))\}+\cdots$


Like 1st method, $B_1=-3$ and $B_m=0$ for $m>1$

Putting $m=1,$ and comparing the coefficients of $m-1=0$-th power of $n,$ we get $B_0=2B_1=-6$

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