[Math] The order of an element in a group


I am looking for an element of order 5 in the group $\mathbb{Z}_{24}$, but I cannot find one. Just to clarify, I believe $\mathbb{Z}_{24} = \left\{ 1,2,3,…,23\right\}$, is this correct? Additionally, I believe that the order of an element $g$ in a group is defined as the smallest positive integer $n$ where $g^{n} = e$, and $e$ is the identity element.

$e$ for $\mathbb{Z}_{24}$ would be 1 because 1 times any element in $\mathbb{Z}_{24}$ gives back the element. I don't think there is a $g$ in $\mathbb{Z}_{24}$ that is not $e$ for which $g^{5} = 1$?

Is my thinking correct?

Best Answer

1) Z24 includes 0 as an element. 2) Your definiton of order is correct. 3) If an element has order 5, then x+x+x+x+x=0 mod 24, and this should be the smallest n auch that when x is added n times, it is 0. The equation implies x is 0 (e). But the order of e is 1. So there is no element of order 5. Also, you are working with the additive group mod 24 - the set is not a group under multiplication, so the identity is 0, and addition is "multiplication".